As a key partner in the new Hertfordshire Family Centre Service, InspireAll recently celebrated the official launch of the service at Highfield Community Centre in Hemel Hempstead on Tuesday 22nd January at the first of many ‘Welcome Week’ events across the County.
The new service commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council brings together Children’s Centres, Health Visiting and the School Nursing Service for the first time. Hertfordshire families can now access wider skills, expertise and health and wellbeing services under one roof, delivering an improved and more flexible range of support for parents, carers and children from pre-birth through to age 19. InspireAll are proud to be the lead organisation for the Family Support contracts in both South and West Hertfordshire on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council.
Also in attendance at the official launch event were One YMCA, Barnardos and Hertfordshire Community Trust, InspireAll’s key partners in the delivery of the Family Centre Service.
At the Highfield event there was a ribbon and cake cutting ceremony by Councillor Tim Hutchings, Executive Member for Public Health and Prevention Councillor Teresa Heritage, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families. Local families were able to enjoy a range of free activities and were given to opportunity to find out more about the new service and range of activities on offer.
Cllr Tim Hutchings, who was recently appointed Executive Member for Public Health and Prevention, said; “The new service will run events and activities all over Hertfordshire, not just at specific centres, giving it a more community feel for families. The Welcome Week sessions are a good opportunity for people to find out more about the service, have a chat to their local team and find out what’s happening in their area.”
For more information about the Family Support Service and to register to use it, please see our new County website or contact us on 0300 123 7572.