InspireAll wins Lottery Funding for Hertfordshire Families

InspireAll are excited to announce that our recent application for National Lottery Community Funding has been granted to help fund additional Parenting Courses where we are commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council to run services across South and West Hertfordshire.

As a key partner in Hertfordshire’s Family Centre Service, InspireAll plan to offer local families an array of Parenting Courses from January 2020.

The courses on offer will include ‘Parenting Puzzle’, ‘Families Feeling Safe’, ‘About Me’ and ‘Family Toolkit’. The courses are designed to aid parents by offering additional support with parenting skills and emotional well-being for those dealing with challenging behavior that affects daily family life.

In order to facilitate these courses, we will be working with the Local Schools Partnerships (LSP) and other commissioned services which will enable us to work with children aged 0 – 11 years.

The courses on offer will run throughout 2020 across Hertsmere, Watford and Three Rivers, Dacorum and St Albans and will be funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

For more information about the service please visit our website

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